The Digital Product Passport is a collector of smart contracts based on processes and authorized parties: first the asset gets digitized through an entry point, creating its digital twin. From now on all the information written into the passport will be backed and protected by the most secure technology available: blockchain. All the certified historical data like documents and media files are recorded into the passport in a chronological order, where the user becomes an active part, creating events in the form of smart contracts. In addition, all this data can be transferred to the new buyer in a fast and seamless way during the ownership transfer.
The entire journey traceability is possible thanks to different stakeholders, which are the brand, the partners and the final customers. All the data collected come from a trustworthy and patented process, thanks to our standard kit and to the authorized parties network.
Our experience has allowed us to develop features that align with market needs and to determine which ones are best suited for each industry, as mobility, fashion, watches, furniture and so on.
Through this use case, we guarantee a 360° experience and we focus on the loyalty of the community: we provide the brand the right tools to increase trust for the end consumers, thanks also to the blockchain-based technology that ensures immutability and transparency values.
With the Bespoke Program events are created in the production line, especially on the individual steps of assembly of the asset: these events can be notified in real time to the end user who can see them as they go – for example during the order time before the asset is delivered – or be saved on the asset history and viewed after the claim.

Through our app it is easy to send targeted and customized marketing campaigns – for example through push notifications – in order to maximize events in blockchain. The events are based on the product owned, which is correlated to the person. In order to encourage users to create new events, we have set up features like the bespoke, the palmarès and the retrofit.

We enable brand to unlock new sources of revenue streams, for example through the alliance of third parties or integration of other CRMs data.
We make possible the creation of additional revenue mainly throught 3 different solutions: the ownership transfer and the heritage program that include additional payments, and the license of the dashboard.
This last one involves official dealers and smaller affiliates, thus permitting the creation of a direct relationship with final clients and partners.

The Retrofit Program allows to create the digital identity and the Digital Product Passport in retrospect: the brand collects the information from an historical archive, thus creating the new DPP.
This program is really interesting for all the Memorabilia items, as a vintage and iconic product can receive an evaluation and receive a fresh new Digital Passport.
Moreover, after the evaluation the user can do the ownership transfer.

Loyalty strategies consolidate long-term customer value: build community trust with experiential content and ad hoc marketing campaigns.
Gamification dynamics, for example, increase consumer engagement and define the value of an asset in a more dynamic and fun way.

Resale becomes quick and easy: the new buyer has access to the entire product history, verifying its authenticity and steps through time.
Moreover, the immutable certificate of ownership prevents fraud and counterfeits, increasing trust also in the second hand market.

Through the Retrofit Program we can create a DPP in retrospect: this is really interesting for all the Memorabilia items, as a classic car or vintage bag carried by a celebrity, which can receive an evaluation and obtain a fresh new Digital Passport.

It is possible to include a 1:1 correlated NFT with the physical counterpart. The NFT is not created for mere speculative purposes but is associated uniquely with the physical asset to certify its ownership and exclusivity in digital environments.